Faculty members are directly responsible to the appropriate Division Chair and College-wide Dean. Instructors are required to meet classes as scheduled and devote adequate planning time to provide quality instruction for the prescribed time. Classes begin on the first day of class each semester and should be taught the entire time period. Instructors are expected to conduct class in a professional manner and in a pleasant/helpful atmosphere. All classes will meet according to the time and date scheduled unless prior approval has been given by appropriate College-Wide Dean. Every attempt should be made by a faculty member to contact the Division Chair prior to a scheduled class when that instructor anticipates being late or absent. Faculty anticipating absences should request leave approval of the Campus Division Chair on the base campus and any other campus where classes are assigned. In emergency situations, the Campus Division Chair should contact his/her counterpart on other campuses where classes are assigned. If an instructor is teaching on-line or at a remote site, the appropriate Division Chair and/or Chair for Distance Education (on-line classes only) must be notified.
Faculty are required to disseminate an approved college-wide course syllabus to each student in each course at the beginning of the semester and must also provide students with a daily/weekly schedule of course work.
In keeping with the College’s policy of assisting students and promoting student success, faculty members are encouraged to assist students outside of class whenever possible. This may entail arriving early and staying beyond the scheduled time for the class. Faculty are required to serve as academic advisors and keep posted office hours.