The College is dedicated to the expansion of academic opportunities that support the overall mission of the College through the development and offering of programs and courses offered off-site or by electronic means. BSCC has developed procedures to ensure that all divisions and units of the College monitor and respond accordingly to any proposed changes at the institution that constitutes a substantive change under the SACSCOC substantive change policy. Before developing or delivering courses off-site, electronically, or for a new program and program level, closing a program, and/or entering into a contract or consortia agreement for instruction, please consult these procedures. The BSCC Substantive Change Policy and Implementation Checklist is published on the College’s website or can be obtained by contacting the Accreditation Liaison.
In addition, the Accreditation Liaison will share the College’s policy and any changes to the policy, as needed, with College administrators during President's Cabinet meetings which include senior level administrators, Academic Council meetings that involve divisional deans, and/or Strategic Planning meetings that include a variety of personnel from directors of departments, academic division chairs, and senior level administrators. This policy is reviewed annually at the College’s Planning Summit.
Depending on the nature of the substantive change, it must be reported to the SACSCOC for notification and approval in a timely manner. All submissions will be coordinated through the College’s SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison. Beginning Spring 2017, all substantive changes that require a submission of a prospectus for review and approval must be received at the SACSCOC by January 1 for fall implementation or July 1 for spring implementation.
Therefore, the Accreditation Liaison should be consulted prior to beginning a process that results in a substantive change.
All correspondence with the SACSCOC will be submitted by the College President in coordination with the SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison.